
Turn your images into prompts

If you find images from DALL-E or MidJourney that you like and want to know the prompts, let our AI generate them for you in seconds.
Then, sell your unique prompts on promptbase.com and you may start earning!
No credit card required
16 users love it

Image to prompts - Turn your images into prompts | Product Hunt

🙏 Testimonial

I started using PromptBase to turn my images into prompts, and it has been an amazing experience. Not only did I find a new way to express my creativity. The process is easy and the potential is incredible!
Charles Teh
Charles Teh
@founder Whatcanidotoday
Turning my images into prompts on PromptBase has been a game-changer! It's thrilling to see my creativity appreciated and rewarded. Truly a fulfilling experience!
Dimon Dev
Dimon Dev
@founder Hexpay
PromptBase transformed my creativity. Seeing my images turned into prompts and valued by others is incredibly rewarding! :)
@founder Superpo

How does it work?


Upload your an image


Our AI will analyze the image


Get your Prompts

Note: Using the same prompt may generate slightly different versions of your uploaded image each time. Save the versions you like!



$9.99/ one time
    What's included?
  • 100 credits
  • Free customer support
Buy now

One-time payment. No subscription

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get exactly?

You will get images you like, then sell your unique prompts on promptbase.com and start earning!

Can i get refund?

If you do not like it, let us know. We will refund you—no questions asked. If you are kind enough, please give us feedback.

Is the payment safe?

Our app utilizes Stripe, a secure and widely trusted payment gateway that ensures the safety of financial transactions.

How long does it take?

Just 5 to 10 seconds

Where can i find customer supports?

You send us an email to darayuthhang12@gmail, or click chat logo to chat with us. We will try to respond as soon as possible.

Will my uploaded image look exactly the same every time?

Using the same prompt may generate slightly different versions of your uploaded image each time. Save the versions you like!

✍ Turn your image into prompts

If you find images from DALL-E or MidJourney that you like and want to know the prompts, let our AI generate them for you in seconds. Then, sell your unique prompts on promptbase.com and start earning!

Get 1 free image to prompt